
Idea of the game:
Yukkuri Game will be 2D game programmed in C++ and SDL library which will handle graphics, input and sounds. The game should be something like mix of Tamagochi, where you have a pet about which you have to take care and Black & White where you also have pet but you can train it, reward it or punish it for its actions and so. There will be 4 basic types of yukkuris: Reimu, Marisa, Patchouli and Alice. Everyone of them will have different personality and behavior. Every action taken on yukkuri will change its opinion about you and in extreme cases it may even permanently change some of their attributes or personality. There should be many way of how you can affect your yukkuri including pairing them into famillies. Ill try to keep basic laws of yukkuri life and survival but if it will make game more fun, Ill change them.

Server: port:6667
Channel:  #Yukkuri_Gane_Dev

You can download the game here: